Author Topic: Young Justice: Legacy Preview  (Read 2386 times)

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Young Justice: Legacy Preview
« on: June 23, 2013, 09:27:36 PM »

While the fate of the Nintendo versions are decided, we checked out the Xbox 360 version.

The troubles of the Young Justice game seem to be following its television counterpart. Originally set to release between season one and two of the television series, which tied in to the story of the game, the game's release was delayed. After the show’s unexpected cancellation, the fate of Young Justice: Legacy seemed uncertain. Finally, a September release date was announced, but after talking with Little Orbit at E3, we learned this wouldn’t include Nintendo consoles.

With hope that Nintendo’s TBA status isn’t a death sentence for the Wii U and 3DS versions, we tried out the Xbox 360 demo. The show’s original writers wrote the story for the game and collaborated closely with Little Orbit to finalize designs and gameplay. We experienced a run through a jungle culminating in a boss battle with the quick and elusive Cheshire and then flew to the city to explore a museum for clues.

We were told the game would take place all over the world, including some well-known locations like Gotham City. The Team answers to Batman for each mission, and the story will answer a lot of questions raised by holes in the original series, explaining personality and ability changes that were seen in season two.

Twelve playable characters are available with four more to come via DLC. Three heroes can be chosen for each mission, but most missions require certain characters to be the team leader for story reasons. Changing the active character can be easily done mid-battle by using the D-pad. Characters have a light and heavy attack, plus four special moves that showcase each hero’s unique powers. Special moves require power from a blue meter that replenishes slowly over time.

Players level up by upgrading and choosing different abilities, customizing heroes to fit their needs. Accessories can also be bought from Wayne Tech, but only two can be equipped at a time. Replaying the game gives you the opportunity to bring back souped-up characters or to completely build up a new team to try a different style.

The options for local and online multiplayer are really where this game shines. Reminiscent of Justice League Heroes and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, I feel the large environments to explore and the team atmosphere of the show would be lost if the game was only played in single player mode. A map is provided to clearly show mission objectives, which makes collaboration easy.

Side quests are included, including a story revolving around the missing Red Arrow. At the end of season one, Green Arrow’s former sidekick Speedy left the team to become Red Arrow and pursue a mission on his own. His journal entries can be found around the world and reveal his story and the progress of his mission.

Overall the game was very straightforward and unfortunately didn’t bring anything new to the table. Fans of the series will enjoy this one last hurrah from the show’s writers, and the depth of the story promises to deliver. However, those unfamiliar with the show looking for a single player experience won’t find anything they haven’t seen before.

Kimberly Keller - Staff Writer