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Summer of Raptr Giving Away $25,000+ in Prizes

by Neal Ronaghan - August 5, 2011, 7:35 pm EDT
Total comments: 2 Source: http://blog.raptr.com/2011/06/01/summer-of-raptr/

They're even giving away a Wii U!

UPDATE: Follow a minimum of 10 topics on Raptr and have double the chance of winning the grand prize, including the top 20 games at E3, a Wii U, PS Vita and 3DS.

Raptr is hosting a summer-long contest, dubbed the Summer of Raptr, that is promising a laundry list of prizes, with one of the most tantalizing being a Wii U.

To enter, all you have to do is follow one of the topics listed on their website, which includes the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U. Follow all the topics for more chances to win. New topics will be added each week.



EnnerJune 14, 2011

Ooo, this is interesting. I haven't entered in to much contests since I never seem to win anything. Still, maybe I will give this a shot.

TurdFurgyJune 14, 2011

O.O I want a Wii U...

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