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New Forums Coming Soon...

by Justin Nation - March 23, 2001, 6:43 am EST

OK, so yeah we just got the old Forums running in the new digs very recently but this is a big change... as Planet Gamecube approaches version 2

Basically this post is a test to be sure one of the final requirements for launching the new Forum software has been met... that all new news posts are added to the News thread on the Forum. Tada! You have the return of Talkback.

Thing is, that is just one goodie of many coming with the package we have in store with the launch of the new Forums. We're hoping to continue to add new functionality for registered users as we get the chance in the coming weeks.

The bad news? You'll have to register a new account. This change will require us to scrap everything and for that we apologize. In the end though the decision was made that the good outweighed the bad and so we're moving ahead and hope all of our Forum faithful will agree that a little re-registration woe is worth the gains.

Hopefully we'll be able to roll out these new Forums today or within the next few... be ready.

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