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November 30, 1999

Will You Surf With Your Dolphin? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 7:43 pm EST
Source: GameDaily

That is a really bad pun

After trying out the DC's modem and web surfing capabilites, I hope to GAWD that Nintendo's is better. According to Datamonitor there will be a Sh*!load of people using consoles to surf the net. This is good news for people that are lovin' online gaming or the concept of being able to do this with the Dolphin. Thanks to GameDaily for the word.


November 29, 1999

Dolphin Networking Info? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:13 pm EST
Source: Nintendorks

Finally, this is the kind of stuff I like to hear...er...speculate.

Maybe we could have seen this info before. It seems there could be some secret networking plans between Nintendo, Matsushita, and Konami? Thanks to the Dorks for the stuff.

Nintendo is involved with Matsushita in digital network venture, tentatively titled x21. Now that's interesting, but... Read more...

Sucker Punch Confirmed GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:13 pm EST
Source: IGN64

Who wants to FITE?

IGN64 kind of confirms what we already speculated before. Looks like Sucker Punch is developing a game for the next generation consoles, and Dolphin is a possibility. Here's the juice....

Seattle based Sucker Punch, one of the most promising development upstarts in some time, told IGN64 today... Read more...

November 26, 1999

Criterion talks Dolphin GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 8:20 pm EST
Source: Nintendojo

That company's name almost sound dirty...

Criterion Software? You know, the makers of such smash hit games like Redline, Sub Culture, and Scorched for the PC! Hmmmm. Well it seems our dear friends at Criterion Software have joined the ranks of many developers who believe Nintendo will not meet their projected 2000 release date, but they have also expressed interest in the console. Nintendojo has the juice.


November 25, 1999

Happy Thanksgiving!

by Billy Berghammer - 10:31 am EST

Mmm turkey.

From all of us here at Planet N2000, we'd like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Even Kosta wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving, and he could give a rats ass about Thanksgiving because he's from Australia! We're just sharing the love people. ;) Just because all the corporate sites are on vacation... Read more...

November 24, 1999

Ubi Soft to Swim with Dolphin GBAGC

by Jermiah Lankford - 10:01 pm EST
Source: VideoGames.com

This means that we will have excellent platformers on the Dolphin.

Well, considering Ubi Soft has made some great games like Rayman and Rocket on Wheels for the Nintendo 64, it's great to hear that they'll be on board with the Dolphin also. Thanks to VideoGames.com for the Ubi lovin'...

In addition to the six PlayStation2 titles that Ubi Soft has in development,


AOL? Noooooooo! GC

by Manny Florendo - 8:54 pm EST

There is no way possible that this can be seen as "good" news.

Rumors are floating around the latest Next Generation Magazine that Nintendo is talking with some big companies about online gaming. The latest rumor surrounding this topic is...America Online. There's also something surprising said about Gameboy Advance. Remember, it may be a rumor, but it's an interesting one. Here's the full scoop:


November 23, 1999

Another Controller Announcement GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:39 pm EST

Not very exciting, unless you really like 3rd party hardware.

Yea. Not the most exciting news, but Nyko will be making controllers for Dolphin. Thanks to Dolphin Cove for the biz.

Following in the footsteps of Interact's announcement that they would support Dolphin, comes an announcement from Nyko. Nyko informed GameSpot that it has plans to support Nintendo's Dolphin with game-controller peripherals and accessories.


November 19, 1999

HAVi, Will Dolphin have it GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:44 pm EST
Source: EE-Times

Could this be Nintendo's network plans?

EE-Times has an article about HAVi, (Home Audio Video interoperability) which is basically something that will allow consumer electronic devices to connect to networks, specifically the Internet. Matsushita is part of this deal along with seven other companies, one being Sony. Could this technology be incorporated into the Dolphin? Who knows? Here's the real news on this subject.


Is Denise Richards "in the Game"? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:44 pm EST
Source: Diet Game Online News

I sure freakin hope so!

Hark? Is there another game announcement today? Well, not quite, but there is a good rumor over at Diet Game-Online News. It looks like EA has the rights to the new James Bond movie, The World Is Not Enough. (which I may add, is a pretty good flick!) A Dolphin version of the game a seriously being hinted at. Read on....


November 18, 1999

Shooting Saffires! GC

by Mike Revier - 7:11 pm EST
Source: IGN64

Finally, we have a GAME!

Okay, there is actually a GAME ANNOUNCEMENT! Not bad! :) IGN64 has the word about a new first person shooter being developed from N64 Rainbow Six fame Saffire. Here's the chunks of fun....

Rising developer Saffire (Rainbow Six N64) told IGN64 today that it is currently underway with a 3D first-person... Read more...

November 16, 1999

Star Wars Fighter? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:28 pm EST
Source: GameSpot

Didn't they try that already for PSX and it blew goats?

Well there's a new rumor flying around that LucasArts is looking to put out a couple more Epsiode 1 games for the next generation consoles...Dolphin included. Gamespot has the light-saberiffic goodness...

Rumors have spread across the Internet regarding a new Star Wars Episode 1 title in development... Read more...

InterAct on Board GC

by Mike Sklens - 9:28 pm EST
Source: Dolphin Cove

This isin't really a surprise or anything.

Not that you should be really surprised about this, but InterAct is planning on making peripherals for the Dolphin. Thanks to Dolphin Cove for the info...

On November 11th, Recoton Corporation, a leading global consumer electronic accessory, loudspeaker and car audio company, announced financial... Read more...

More on the Release Issue... GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:03 pm EST
Source: IGN64

More info, yeah. something

IGN64 reads the forums? Who knew? :) . Anyhoo...IGN64 does have more about the Hiroshi Yamauchi interview.

It's no big secret that Nintendo aims to market its next-generation console, codenamed Dolphin, as a mass-market gaming machine. The giant games and hardware manufacturer has repeatedly... Read more...

Release Confirmation? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 5:26 pm EST
Source: The Magic Box

I believe we can file this under good news.

I have no idea why we missed this one, but The Magic Box had some really interesting words last week from the Chairman of Nintendo of Japan. If this is true or not, or what source got this information, I am not sure. Just clarifying that so you don't think we are like one of those other Nintendo... Read more...

November 13, 1999

MTV and Dolphin? GC

by Kevin Ries - 5:45 pm EST
Source: FGNonline

Will you be crankin' out the tunes on your Dolphin?

FGN Online/IGN64 tells us that MTV will be hooking up with the PSX, PC, and next generation systems to produce a "make your own music video," called the MTV Music Generator. Here's the juice:

FGNOnline reports that UK based Codemasters is currently evaluating whether or not to brings its popular... Read more...

GBA SNES Compatiable? GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 12:04 pm EST
Source: Gaming Age

So you'll be able to plug in SNES carts? Not quite. At least you'll be able to play the games!

Here's the skinny...

According to Minaduki, Nintendo has released some new details concerning the Game Boy Advance.

First, the unit will be 100% compatible with Super Famicom (Super Nintendo) titles. Meaning not that you can plug in an SNES cart, rather, developers can easily port old SNES games.


November 12, 1999

We are Back!

by Billy Berghammer - 8:27 am EST

Back... and better than ever (as usual).

Well sort of. It took a long time, but we are officially back online. My sincere apologies for the delay. Trust me, I wish it didn't happen either. So what exactly happened? Well to put it lightly...Server changes really blow ass. But I think everything should be back to normal within a few days.... Read more...

November 9, 1999

Nintendo to spend $250 mil on marketing Dolphin GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:20 pm EST
Source: IGN64

That's a large ammount of money right there.

According to Nintendo's vice president of marketing George Harrison, the company will not be pulling any stops when it comes to positioning its next-generation hardware, codenamed Dolphin, and 2000 software line-up. The console and its software, which Nintendo insists will launch in time for the holiday... Read more...

DVD RAM Evidence? GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:20 pm EST
Source: Nintendorks

Will we have this hot technology in the Dolphin?

The facts are building supporting Nintendo's use of DVD RAM in their new system. Panasonic (Matsushita) is set to show off DVD RAM at the upcoming trade show COMDEX. Jeff Saake, Group General Manager of Panasonic Industrial Company's Computer Technology Group, alluded to the possible use in games.... Read more...


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