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November 15, 2001

The Resident Evil movie gets even creepier GC

by David Trammell - 2:56 pm EST
Source: Dark Horizons

Brian Warner, better known as Marilyn Manson, is playing a role in writing the music for the upcoming flick. Updated

Marilyn Manson (who doesn't really need an introduction I think) has a part in the Resident Evil movie. Not as a member of the cast as I originally thought, but as composer. I previously wrote that he was playing a role in the movie, but that was incorrect.

Thanks goes to a reader, Aaron, for pointing this out.


EB Ships pre-orders GC

by Billy Berghammer - 11:26 am EST

If you pre-ordered your GameCube (bundles) from EB World, they are NOW SHIPPING.

Reports have come in across the nation that Electronics Boutique have shipped their GameCube bundles to fiending Nintendophiles everywhere. Depending on what shipping you chose, you may be knee-deep in GameCube love as early as tomorrow.


Nintendo hypes the 18th GC

by Michael Cole - 10:03 am EST

Nintendo brags about its games and Shigeru Miyamoto reminds us what games are about in the latest NOA press release.

The latest Nintendo press release gets gamers and retailers pumped about the GameCube (as if they weren't already). Read the reproduction below for glorious numbers, quotes, and games!

This Weekend Nintendo Takes Players Outside the Box and Inside the



November 14, 2001

Super Launch Week Trivia and Chat!

by Ty Shughart - 11:48 pm EST
Source: Interweb Crimenet

So much going on this week, it uh, won't fit in just a headline. Prize Ahoy!

Check it out! This Friday, we're doing a special launch chat featuring the fabulous staff of Planet GameCube before trivia starts. An hour before, to be precise. (8 pm CST)

You can use our Java chat, or use your favorite IRC client to tune into irc.dmusic.com:6667 - #planetchat.

And then,...

WSIA Staten Island @ NYC Cube Club GC

by Mike Hrusecky - 11:08 pm EST
Source: WSIA Staten Island 88.9FM

WSIA Staten Island (88.9 FM) has given us exclusive audio from the New York City Cube Club to share with you all.

The audio contains visitor impressions from the floor, along with an interview with a member of Nintendo's testing department.

Click here to get the MP3. (1.7 megs)


Pokémon MiNi Blitzs the US PM

by Mike Sklens - 8:04 pm EST
Source: IGN Pocket

Nintendo is launching the Pokémon MiNi unit tomorrow! Check out the story for the juice.

In order to celebrate the opening of their new New York City Pokémon Center store, Nintendo is giving the US market a nice little surprise. Tomorrow, Nintendo will make available in the US the Pokémon MiNi unit. The Pokémon MiNi is a tiny little game system about the size of the Pocket Pikachu.... Read more...


by Billy Berghammer - 5:36 pm EST

Welcome to the new Planet GameCube. Excuse the dust...we're still setting a few things up. Hope you like what you see!

Welcome to Planet GameCube V2.0 beta!

Wipe your feet! The new pad is clean! Well cleaner. We’ve cleaned up the empty dew cans…and even scooped up Louie’s poop!

Seeing that the GameCube has hit the streets of North America, we felt it would be fitting to fire off our new design.... Read more...

GameCube Region Switch Mod, Successful! GC

by Rick Powers - 3:39 pm EST

Rick had a long day today trying to get everything just right for a successful GCN mod. And patience pays off!

We were one of the first websites to tell you about the GameCube mod (props, of course, to the folks in the IGN forums that tipped us off to it first).

Now we have a fully switch-modded GameCube in house, courtesy of the always hard working PGC Labs.

We'll have pictures up when our bandwidth...

Pikmin.com Sprouts! GC

by Max Lake - 1:00 pm EST
Source: http://www.pikmin.com

Nintendo’s latest GameCube game website is up and running!

Following websites for Luigi’s Mansion and Wave Race: Blue Storm comes another GameCube website, this time for Pikmin! Pikmin.com is a high-bandwidth Flash site, which hosts an overview of the game, a countdown until its release, movies of Pikmin in action and several amusing animations. Additional features are shown, but are currently inactive. They should be available soon. It’s still a very cute little site, so check it out!


Better late than never: Famitsu #675 stats

by Desmond Gaban - 11:00 am EST

Last week's Famitsu stats are in.

Better late than never: Famitsu #675 stats

NOTE: This week's Famitsu is soon to be out, however these are the stats for last week. They cover from 10/22 ~ 10/28.

Hardware sales


Gameboy Advance44,413+7,3563,387,812

Playstation 241,665+5,3892,240,924



Yay for mainstream press! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:57 am EST
Source: Reuters

While most people out there still haven't gotten their cubes yet, we got something to pass the time. You'll laugh, cry, and blow chunks...

Reuters have delivered one of their verdicts on the GameCube. I'll let you decide on what you think about it....

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Reuters) - At first glance, GameCube looks like a kid's lunch box, complete with handle and plastic cover of purple and gray. But Nintendo (news - web sites), Goliath... Read more...

RareNet "Confirms" Perfect Dark Zero GC

by Andres Rojas - 9:07 am EST
Source: RareNet

Good news for Rare FPS fans all around the world!

According to the boys at RareNet, Perfect Dark Zero is under development, and apparently has been for some time now.

Noting that online play and a slew of innovative features will be included in the game, and citing a "likely" release date of late 2002/early 2003 (making note that we may be subject to Rare's infamous delays) RareNet has made this a joyous day for all Rare FPS fans.


Famitsu Grades Super Smash Brothers Melee GC

by Mike Orlando - 4:20 am EST
Source: Gamefront

Before Super Smash Brothers Melee, Famitsu had given every GameCube game released in Japan a Gold Award. Did Melee continue that streak? Unfortunately not.

Scoring 37/40, Super Smash Brothers Melee received the coveted Platinum Award from Famitsu, the insanely popular Japanese videogame magazine. The individual scores from the four editors who reviewed Melee consisted of three 9’s and one 10. Melee hits American (and Canadian) shores early in December, and should stand alongside Luigi’s Mansion as one of the best selling GameCube titles of 2001.


November 13, 2001

GameCube to hit up Extended Play GC

by Billy Berghammer - 7:10 pm EST
Source: Extended Play

Kate Botello and GameCube on your TV. What could be better?

Extended Play will be all about GameCube this week, and we don't think you want to miss this! Here's what's planned, and when you can catch it on cable....


-GameCube Feature

-The Future of the GameCube


-Luigi's Mansion

-Wave Race: Blue Storm

-Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II


Clearing up early launch scuttlebutt ... GC

by Rick Powers - 1:29 pm EST

We're getting a lot of angry e-mail suggesting we're mistaken. Actually, we TOLD you it was a long shot ...

We're getting a lot of e-mail from folks having no luck convincing their retailers to sell GameCubes early. We're getting a lot of angry Forum posters calling us liars. Let's set the record straight ...

GameCubes HAVE been shipped to retailers. Not all retailers will have gotten Cubes yet.... Read more...

Nintendo squashes squatters

by Billy Berghammer - 12:38 pm EST

Like under Shiggy's shoe, Nintendo squashes cyber squatters and makes more than a killing. News inside....

Cyber squatting doesn't pay. The winner is Nintendo! Have a look-see....

Nintendo Wins $560,000 in Mass Domain Name Lawsuit

Nearly 50 Domain Names Recovered in One Action

REDMOND, Wash.--Nov. 13, 2001--Nintendo of America Inc. today

announced a federal judge in the U.S. District Court in Seattle,


November 12, 2001

RE Remake Info Revealed GC

by Andres Rojas - 8:13 pm EST
Source: The GIA

Shinji Mikami has revealed that there will be major changes to the Resident Evil remake.

According to the Gaming Intelligence Agency, Shinji Mikami, the producer of the Resident Evil series, has stated that the new GameCube remake of Resident Evil will have major changes made from the original PSX version.

In fact, the GIA states that about 70% of the game will differ in some way from the original. Mikami was quoted as saying he wanted to make the remake interesting to those who had played the original.


Miyamoto on Nintendo Online Plans GC

by Max Lake - 6:09 pm EST
Source: Mainichi

No new details, but a re-affirmation that things are in the works.

GameSpot has run a portion of an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto that ran in the Japanese publication Mainichi, in which Shiggy briefly addresses Nintendo’s online gaming plans. Miyamoto said that the GameCube already has games that are communicating to the player. Elements such as the ability to exchange and share data between the GameCube and the Game Boy Advance and use the Mobile Adapter GB are a means of communication, Miyamoto said.


Nintendo.com Selling Accessories GC

by Mike Hrusecky - 5:09 pm EST
Source: Nintendo

Nintendo.com's GameCube shop is now open. Get your cables, manuals, guides, adapters, covers, RF switches, memory, controllers, etc.

Nintendo.com's GameCube shop is now open to all of your Cube Accessory needs. Those wanting to get a hold of component, controllers, memory and more can dig in.

AC Adapter ($19.95)

Component Video Cable ($29.95)

Controller ($34.95)

High Speed Port Cover ($1.00)

Memory Card 59 ($14.95)


Wave Race Blue Storm Website is LIVE GC

by Mike Sklens - 5:03 pm EST
Source: http://www.waverace-bluestorm.com

Nintendo launches their second GameCube game webiste!

If you don't already know, Nintendo launched the Luigi's Mansion Website a few days ago. Now, they've followed that up by launching the Wave Race: Blue Storm website tonight. The site is all in Flash and has tons of info. Everything from racers to tracks to multiplayer info. Plus there are some really sweet wallpapers to download for your desktop.



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