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July 31, 2001

Konami Invests in Hudson Soft GC

by Jonathan Metts - 9:34 pm EDT
Source: The Magic Box

Gigantic Japanese publisher of Castlevania buys a stake in the creators of Bomberman. Gothic multiplayer insanity: Q3 2002. Joking.

Konami, the largest third-party game publisher in Japan, has bought out 38% of Hudson Soft, making them the major shareholder. Hudson is probably best known for the long-running Bomberman series.

We heard this as a rumor last week, but now the Magic Box has confirmed it. Konami has generally... Read more...

PGC Server Slowness

by Rick Powers - 3:07 pm EDT
Source: Slashdot

The PGC Server is getting worked over like Billy on his Birthday. Read on to find out why ...

Folks, the Planet GameCube server is getting hit HARD today, harder than usual. And the reason why is simple. We've been Slashdotted.

It's actually quite an honor. Slashdot is the foremost resource for the high-tech industry, and getting Slashdotted is quite the sign of respect. Unfortunately, that means that you all get to learn about ... The Slashdot Effect.



by Justin Nation - 6:22 am EDT
Source: IGNCube

True believers beware, new shots from Rogue Leader are worthy of losing all bladder control.

YOU MUST GO TO IGN CUBE NOW! New shots from the Hoth level of Rogue Leader is all that has to be said but if you're still reading all one can do is try to stammer out a sentence while drool puddles on the desk below your frothing mouth.


Nintendo Prepares for Market

by Billy Berghammer - 12:46 am EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Nintendo Select Infinium CRM to do.. Market stuff... And Web-based... Aww heck.. Just read the article.

Albeit written in greek, Nintendo has a new marketing firm. Here's the goods from Core Magazine...

Nintendo has selected Infinium CRM to power its Retail Marketing Program in an effort to maximize channel marketing efforts and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. As part of the strategic... Read more...

July 30, 2001

GameCube Launch Quantities Announced GC

by Jonathan Metts - 5:28 pm EDT
Source: (See below)

Nintendo shells out the big numbers for North America. Plus: Japanese launch colors confirmed.

As originally reported by Nikkei News, then revealed to us by the Mips36 Nintendo GameCube News Page, and finally clarified by GameSpot VG (whew!), here are new GameCube launch details:

- The Japanese launch will consist of 500,000 units, all purple.

- Further colors will be available at a later time in Japan.


From Software is Rune's Developer GC

by Jonathan Metts - 3:47 pm EDT
Source: Nintendo Company Ltd.

We still don't know jack about Rune for GameCube, but at least now we know who's making it.

Nintendo's Japanese Space World site updated today with the name of the company behind the recently announced Rune. The developer is From Software, a Japanese company traditionally affiliated with Sony.

This still doesn't give much insight into what Rune might be, but From Software has experience with mech-combat games (Armored Core) and RPGs (King's Field, Evergrace).


July 29, 2001

Episode II game for Cube confirmed GC

by Max Lake - 7:34 pm EDT
Source: IGNCube

Before E3, PGC told you LucasArts was planning a second Star Wars game for Cube. Now it’s been confirmed & will be based on Episode II!

Thanks to IGNCube, we have a report that confirms a second Star Wars game is in the works for GameCube, something PGC told you about just before E3. As suspected, the next game will utilize the Episode II license. LucasArts’ President, Simon Jeffery, confirmed the game’s existence during an... Read more...

Peter Moore comments on Sega/Nintendo rumors GC

by Max Lake - 4:32 pm EDT
Source: IGNCube

There've been crazy, yet exciting rumors regarding Sega & Nintendo recently. Find out what Sega prez, Peter Moore had to say about two of them: a Sega/Nintendo RPG & Sonic in SSBM...

Ever since Sega left the hardware business and even months before, there have been rumors of exciting possibilities involving Sega & Nintendo. Just a little under a year ago, there was a rumor of a Nintendo / Sega RPG in the works. There have also been rumors of Sonic the Hedgehog appearing as a hidden character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, a possibly well chronicled in our Smash Melee preview & discussed in our latest Mailbag.


A note about Reviews ...

by Rick Powers - 9:18 am EDT

Rick's gotten questions about his scores for ChuChu Rocket, so he takes some time to explain how our review system works ...

I've gotten several pieces of mail from folks wondering why my scores for Graphics and Control in my ChuChu Rocket review were so low.

First, they're my opinions. Those scores are absolutely arbitrary, and reflect how I felt the game did in those areas at the time I wrote the review.


July 28, 2001

GBA Games and Screens GBA

by Michael Cole - 11:49 pm EDT
Source: The Magic Box

Check out new screens and game profiles for GBA games that will be at Space World!

Famitsu Magazine has released new screens and information about many of the GBA games that will be playable at Space World. Since we can neither get the magazine nor read Japanese, the good folks at the Magic Box provided the information.

The following games now have profiles as well as two screens:


July 27, 2001

Billy Berghammer is a Birthday Boy Today!

by Max Lake - 12:36 pm EDT

Yes, today is PGC’s founder/director's birthday. He just turned one bajillion but has the heart of a six-year old Nintendo freak on a sugar high.

Hey, hey, HEY! It’s Billy’s Birthday!

Billy Berghammer, PGC founder, director and owner of the rowdy Louie the Cat turns 29 years old today. Holy cow! He’s nearly 30 and he’s spending all his time and money covering Nintendo?!?

That’s right, he is. And he is doing a damn... Read more...

Enix Hints at Future Plans GBA

by Michael Cole - 12:33 am EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Enix comments on the future along with its quarterly financial results.

Enix has had a successful first fiscal quarter, proving that good quality can pay off. After declaring all of the numbers, Enix president Keiji Honda touched on the company's future. Although its identity is still unknown, Enix's first Game Boy Advance game will come out around Christmas. He then went on to state that Enix is looking into both the GCN and Xbox...something many 3rd parties have been doing lately.


July 26, 2001


by Billy Berghammer - 11:26 am EDT

Hot off the heals of droppin' the screens yesterday. PGC's back with the first video to hit the net! And you don't have to pay for it ;) Now with Better Quality!

That's right kids. We scored some video of the GameCube game that you'll never get to play.

Right-Click here and choose "Save As" to nab a small Windows Media File (4 meg). It's around 2 minutes of in game footage. You will need Microsoft Media Player to view this file.

More Mirrors:


Space World playable games list!

by Billy Berghammer - 10:05 am EDT
Source: Nintendo

What 'chu need brother? You wanna know what games will be playable for GameCube, GBA, and GBC? Step right this way....

GameCube Titles:

FIFA 2002 Road to the World Cup (EA)

SSX Tricky (EA)

Virtua Striker 3 Version 2002 (Sega)

Phantasy Star Online V. 2.0 (Sega)

Super Monkey Ball (Sega)

Smash Bros. DX (Nintendo)

Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo)

Pikmin (Nintendo)

Waverace: Blue Storm (Nintendo)


July 25, 2001

Canadians get big time preview GC

by Billy Berghammer - 10:40 pm EDT
Source: Future Looks

BLAME CANADA! Oops, prolly should say that too loud anymore. Anyhoo, some people got a very up close look at GameCube and it's games.

A website called FutureLooks.com got a very nice preview of GameCube. They got to play almost the entire GameCube lineup that we got to see at E3, plus they also got to pick up the damn thing. Click

here to read the article.


First EVER Raven Blade IN GAME! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:15 pm EDT

It's Retro Studios now canned RPG. But how did it look? Planet GameCube's got the first exclusive in game shots!

The news spread like wild fire just a few days ago when the disappointing Retro news hit the web. 29 people canned, and the GameCube project Raven Blade is cancelled. The team's main focus is Metroid Prime.

Remember, Raven Blade has been in production for 2 years, and it's getting yanked right after it's announcement at E3. So how did it look?


PGC attends Camp EA! GC

by Max Lake - 7:12 pm EDT

It’s not your usual summer camp either! As Ed Shih writes impressions on Madden & SSX Tricky, here’s some info on the event held today by EA, where he got to play them!

Today was the day of Camp EA 2001, where Electronic Arts showed off several of its games in development to the press, including two playable GameCube entries, SSX Tricky and Madden 2002. PGC was on-hand for the event, dispatching Senior Editor Ed Shih to do what every staffer of PGC has been dreaming... Read more...

Over 1 million GBAs! GBA

by Michael Cole - 7:06 pm EDT
Source: Game Spot

That's right! In six weeks, there are more than 1 million proud North Americans who own the newest handheld!

The GBA is living up to its predecessor's standards in numbers. The real kicker is that the best is yet to come! With all of the great games coming out in the next few months, that number will continue to rise quickly.


Nintendo gets out its Lawyers! GBA

by Michael Cole - 5:45 pm EDT
Source: Game Spot

Nintendo is suing two Japanese companies for creating a game that supposedly infringes on Nintendo's copyrights of the Fire Emblem series.

Nintendo has suddenly announced that it is suing both Tirnanog and Enterbrain gaming companies for infringement on Nintendo's copyrighted game series, Fire Emblem. The two defendants have created a game entitled "Tear Ring Saga," recently changed from "Emblem Saga" for the Playstation. Nintendo demands that the game be canceled and Nintendo be appeased with 260 million Yen ($2 million). Nintendo's press release states:


July 24, 2001

Castlevania News and Numbers! GBA

by Michael Cole - 11:28 pm EDT
Source: Game Spot

The western world is eating up Circle of the Moon, and Konami can take a hint....

Konami has announced that Castlevania: Circle of the Moon has sold over 500,000 in the western world (North America and Europe.) This is quite a feat for a third party game that has only been out for 1 ½ months on a new system. Although details are sketchy, Konami went on to announce development... Read more...


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