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Nintendo Releases Virtual Console Details

November 16, 2006, 9:59 am EST
Total comments: 24

New VC games every Monday, no Weather until Dec. 20th, and no News until Jan. 27th.

Nintendo's Wii: A Gateway to New Experiences

Associated Press, Weathernews Provide Wii Menu Content

REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Nintendo's new Wii™ video game system not only changes how people play games, but redefines how they interact with both the system and their televisions. With the Wii Menu, Nintendo offers a gateway to new experiences through a collection of interactive channels people can use to customize their gaming and entertainment options.

The Wii Menu serves as the main portal to the different functions of Wii, and is designed to evolve throughout the life of the system. Some functions can be used right out of the box and more will roll out during the next few weeks and into next year, with content continually changing over time. Wii goes on sale in the Americas Nov. 19 at an MSRP of $249.99.

"The diversity of the Wii Menu has something for both gamers and non-gamers," says Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. "The options exist to help introduce current non-players to Wii and help us bring gaming to the masses."

On launch day, players who want to play a Wii game or a Nintendo GameCube™ game simply pop in the disc, aim their motion-sensitive Wii Remote™ at the Wii Menu and click on the Disc Channel to start the game. It's that simple. But some of the real fun with the Wii Menu comes with customization. The Mii™ Channel lets users create caricatures of themselves (or anyone else) that can be used first in Wii Sports™, a collection of five sports games packed in with the Wii system. Up to 10 Mii characters can be stored in a single Wii Remote, and players can carry them to a friend's house and populate multiple Wii systems.

Using the Photo Channel, users can explore their creative talents by developing a slide show or showing off their best shots in an easy, fun way. With an SD memory card from a digital camera, users can display their photos on their televisions and perform basic editing and manipulation.

The Wii Shop Channel serves as Wii's online storefront, where visitors can redeem Wii Points™ to download games or other items. Users need a high-speed Internet connection to access the Wii Shop Channel and choose from at least 12 classic Virtual Console™ games that will be ready to play on launch day. Some of the games a player can download include: Donkey Kong® (NES®), based on the arcade game of the same name; SimCity® (SNES™), where players get to build a city from the ground up, being responsible for each decision they make; Super Mario 64®, the first-ever true 3-D game, which changed the face of gaming forever; Sonic the Hedgehog® (Genesis®), the fastest blue hedgehog on Earth whips through hair-raising loop-de-loops and into dizzying dives; and Bomberman® '93 (TurboGrafx16™), the exciting, powered-up version that followed the original Bomberman®.

More Virtual Console games will become available weekly every Monday following launch and by year's end, gamers will be able to pick from a library of 30 or more classic games from the Nintendo Entertainment System®, Super NES®, Nintendo® 64, Sega Genesis™ and TurboGrafx16 consoles. Users buy Wii Points at retail or with a credit card in the Wii Shop Channel and redeem their Wii Points to download the classic games. NES games start at 500 Wii Points, Super NES games start at 800 Wii Points and Nintendo 64 games start at 1,000 Wii Points. Sega Genesis games start at 800 Wii Points and TurboGrafx16 games start at 600 Wii Points.

The Wii Shop Channel is also where users will go to download the Opera browser that will let them surf the Internet from the comfort of their couches on Wii's Internet Channel. More information about the availability of the browser will be released in the coming weeks.

On Dec. 20, Nintendo will roll out the Forecast Channel. Users will be able to access free local weather information, which is continually updated. Users can access worldwide weather information by browsing a 3-D globe. Weather information will be supplied by Weathernews. A high-speed Internet connection is required to access the Forecast Channel.

Then on Jan. 27, the Wii Menu News Channel will make headlines with the latest news from around the world provided by the Associated Press. A high-speed Internet connection is also needed to access the News Channel.

For more information about Wii and the Wii Menu, visit www.Wii.com.


Cortez the KilerNovember 16, 2006

It takes two months to implement a news feed?

JonLeungNovember 16, 2006


NES games start at 500 Wii Points, Super NES games start at 800 Wii Points and Nintendo 64 games start at 1,000 Wii Points. Sega Genesis games start at 800 Wii Points and TurboGrafx16 games start at 600 Wii Points.

I never noticed the "start at" parts before. Hopefully not too many games cost more than those "starting" prices. >_<

CalibanNovember 16, 2006

I was surprised about the news channel only starts at the end of January, but then again we will have the opera browser if we want to browse for news anyway.

Wow, it looks like everything's really coming down to the wire for Nintendo.

~Carmine M. Red

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorNovember 16, 2006


Originally posted by: Cortez the Kiler
It takes two months to implement a news feed?

It can if they don't start implementing it until a month and a half from now. You never know how they are allocating resources... maybe our wait for the news feed is the reason we got the virtual console at launch. You never know.

It also could be delayed for legal reasons or something.

Ian SaneNovember 16, 2006

New games every Monday? That's really good. I was afraid Nintendo would drag their feet with this and by the end of the Wii's life only really big games that everyone already owns would be available. With this level of frequency obscure titles are more likely to show up. Unless they just mean every Monday for now.

I don't like the "start at" stuff either. If anything the prices are too high already.

PlugabugzNovember 16, 2006

From now on, it shall forth be known as VC Monday.

ShyGuyNovember 16, 2006


It takes two months to implement a news feed?

Nintendo World Report can bring me a VC list every Monday, straight from the NWR News Center.

King of TwitchNovember 16, 2006

It's funny how they've completely made up the Wii feature details as they went along, from the beginning all the way up to now. Not that it matters, wasn't the news going to be from CNN?

TJ SpykeNovember 16, 2006

That's what Edge magazine said, but Nintendo just replied saying they had made no announcement regarding the News Channel.

It seems like very new announcment nowadays is bad news. I'm still getting a Wii on launch day, but they need to stop making all these mistakes.

Spak-SpangNovember 16, 2006

Seriously the news feed and weather stuff isn't that big of a deal, and I am sure it will make a BIGGER impact once the consoles are in houses and surprise...you can now access Wii News, and Wii Weather!!! Perfect.

As for the Virtual Console games, this is awesome. Even if Nintendo only released a single game for each system every Monday that is 6 new virtual games every Monday. That is pretty good. Though I expect the number to be realistically double or greater. 12 new virtual console games each Monday would be a very nice surprise.

I was thinking eventually online tournaments and perhaps even Animal Crossing Wii could give out Wii Point rewards to players. It would be a nice reward system for a game...even if it is only 50-100 points at a time, you could collect enough then buy games.

Smash_BrotherNovember 16, 2006

Am I the only one wondering more about the DS demo download channel?

ArtimusNovember 16, 2006

They really need to lower those VC prices. They're absurd. I just don't see how I'm going to be able to afford it. I'd rather save up and buy one great new Wii game than 6 SNES games I can get for free. Sorry, but it's true. If they were a proper price ($3) I'd buy them, but this is too much. The VC has really disappointmented me, personally. Nintendo is acting way too greedy for what are essentially 99% profit margins.

TJ SpykeNovember 16, 2006

Spak, they have already said it will be 10 games per months. So it will likely be about 2 games total every Monday with some Mondays having 3 games (which is still way more than Xbox Live Arcade).

I agree that some games need to drop their prices though, most of these NES games are not worth $5 or more (like Tennis or Urban Champion).

KnowsNothingNovember 16, 2006

January 27 is my birthday face-icon-small-smile.gif

MikintoshNovember 16, 2006

Keep in mind every game they put on there is another one that won't be able to release on a compilation disk for $50 (at least for now) or port to the GBA (tho I guess could still do that for some). For someone who spent full price on Sonic Mega Collection, Sonic Gems Collection, Namco Museum, Pac-Man Collection, and Capcom Classics Collection, the Wii points system seems reasonable considering how much content there is per game. I'd lower the SNES prices a dollar or two but otherwise it's fine for me.

"Starting at" is a business term put in place so if Nintendo has to adjust the prices slightly for inflation (or if they needed to put production work into the game...or maybe translate a Japan-only release?) they can do so honestly. I doubt it'll happen very often tho; I tend to trust the giant N.

Ian SaneNovember 16, 2006

"most of these NES games are not worth $5 or more (like Tennis or Urban Champion)."

Urban Champion isn't worth a dime. I got it for free with Animal Crossing and felt ripped off. Pre-Street Fighter II fighting games SUCK.

I'm surprised anyone cares about the weather or news channels. When I get a Wii I honestly don't see myself using those features ever.

vuduNovember 16, 2006


Originally posted by: Artimus
Nintendo is acting way too greedy for what are essentially 99% profit margins.
Opportunity cost.

If you're busy playing a VC game you're not buying a brand new Wii game. Nintendo needs to make money somehow.

ssj4_androidNovember 16, 2006

Nintendo seems unprepared for launch. No weather or news channels, and no online games. Perhaps it would be best to wait and see if they can pull everything off before purchasing.

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorNovember 16, 2006


Originally posted by: KnowsNothing
January 27 is my birthday face-icon-small-smile.gif

Mine is January 28th! Therefore Wii News will have time to post a story warning everyone that the next day is my birthday. See, it'll be like...

"Today is KN's birthday. Bet you forgot to go out and get a present!"

"Tomorrow is Pale's birthday. You still have time to go get a present!"

See... cause we are both cool enough to make the national news when it's our birthday.


optimisticlimboNovember 16, 2006

and January 28th is my birthday, the Wii will be there to celebrate with all of us.

I personally think they're offsetting the release of channels so they can continuously keep the Wii in the minds of non-gamers well past the holiday season. It's amazing how much hype there is now, and yet they're going to keep it going WITH consoles available to sell to people when it peeks they're interest.

NephilimNovember 16, 2006

what about opera? face-icon-small-blush.gif

SgtShiversBenNovember 16, 2006

I, for one, will use the Weather Channel practically every day just because when I wake up in the morning, I don't really have the time to turn on my computer and wait as it's loading up. I'm a guy, so naturally I wake up 5 minutes before I have to leave to work/school and this would be amazing to see.

Also, I don't have cable , so again it's even more appealing.

I endorse the Wii Weather Channel with all my heart <3

vuduDecember 18, 2006

Any word on if the Weather channel will go live on Wednesday, as formally promised?

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