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NOA Confirms American DS Titles

October 7, 2004, 2:26 am EDT
Total comments: 24

Nintendo of America spills the beans.


DS Changes the Rules: Players Control Games with Touch or Voice, Monitor Two-Screen Action, Compete Wirelessly with Others

REDMOND, Wash., Oct. 7, 2004 - Imagine using the touch screen of Nintendo DS™ to call a secret audible at the line of scrimmage when your wireless opponent threatens a blitz. Is your Sim feeling blue? Redesign her apartment or create a pet with the touch of the screen. Can't find that last star? Use the second screen to track down your nemesis in the vast worlds of Super Mario® 64 DS.

From Mario™ to Madden and The Urbz™, familiar characters and dynamic franchises will dominate the launch season for Nintendo DS, while allowing fans to play their favorites in entirely new ways. In the first 30 days of system availability, thanks to unprecedented support from third-party publishers, players can enjoy 10 to 12 DS games covering all genres. By the end of the first quarter of 2005, the Nintendo DS library will grow to 20 to 25 games.

Nintendo DS will launch in the United States on Nov. 21 at an MSRP of $149.99.

"DS provides the road map to the future of video games," says Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of sales & marketing. "The overwhelming support of strong third-party titles, combined with Nintendo's flagship franchise, makes this the strongest software support for any Nintendo system in more than a decade."

As part of an incredibly strong launch offering, players will receive a free playable demo of Nintendo's upcoming Metroid Prime Hunters game, titled Metroid Prime® Hunters: First Hunt. Each system also offers a built-in PictoChat™ feature, which lets users type text or draw pictures and transmit them wirelessly to up to 15 other Nintendo DS users nearby.

In all, more than 120 games are currently in development for Nintendo DS around the world. Titles available in the launch window include Super Mario 64 DS from Nintendo, Madden NFL 2005, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® Golf and The Urbz™: Sims in the City™ from EA, and a major title from Activision. Other third-party titles available during the launch period include Ping Pals from THQ, Feel the Magic: XY/XX from SEGA, Rayman DS and Asphalt Urban GT from Ubisoft and Ridge Racer DS and Mr. DRILLER: Drill Spirits from Namco.

Players can expect Nintendo-published games to retail for as low as $29.99.

In the coming months, publishers will release a wide range of novel software. Nintendo's list of DS-specific first-party franchises includes a multiplayer Mario Kart, as well as Metroid Prime Hunters, WarioWare, Inc.™ DS, Animal Crossing, Yoshi's Touch & Go, Advance Wars® DS and a new Super Mario Bros., among others.

Third-party publishers will add GoldenEye: Rogue Agent™ and Need for Speed™ Underground from EA, Viewtiful Joe from Capcom, Bomberman from Hudson Soft, Frogger from Konami, a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles title from Square Enix, and many more.

The dual-screened Nintendo DS is a portable video game and communication system that opens up new possibilities for both software developers and game players. Each dual-screened unit, which features a sharp, angular, silver-and-black design, has a built-in stylus for use on the touch screen, a built-in microphone for voice recognition and wireless capabilities via both local area network and Wi-Fi connections. Nintendo DS represents a third, distinct hardware line for Nintendo, along with Nintendo GameCube™ and Game Boy® Advance SP.

Each title takes advantage of the unique Nintendo DS features. For example, in Madden NFL 2005, one screen will show all 22 players on the field, while the other will display the key action. Players also will be able to compete head-to-head wirelessly. In Super Mario 64 DS, players choose one of four characters as they experience the groundbreaking Mario game in completely news ways exclusive to Nintendo DS, such as head-to-head wireless battling, new touch-sensitive mini-games and innovative control options. In Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt, up to four players can compete wirelessly. Multiple control schemes take full advantage of the touch screen, giving all gamers an ideal way to play.

In addition to these upcoming titles, Nintendo DS already features compatibility with more than 550 games. Its second game port allows users to play single-player modes of games made for Game Boy Advance SP.


CHENOctober 07, 2004

Well, Jonathan, there are still a couple of first party titles waiting to be announced. I remember from a article that there will be 5 launch titles published by Nintendo, not counting Pictochat and the Metroid Prime: Hunters demo.

Edit: Oh wait, that'll be the Japanese launch.

EricEnderOctober 07, 2004

"Other third-party titles available during the launch period..."

does launch period mean the first 30 days or the first day

cubedcinder128October 07, 2004

I'm with Steven on this one, so much that I'm not so sure I can trust Jonny anymore for Nintendo-related opinions. It doesn't matter to me that Nintendo is only releasing Super Mario 64 DS with the launch of the system. The fact that at least 10 titles are launching with the system speaks volumes for how high developer interest is in this system. Look back at Nintendo's history, and tell me how often at least 10 games have come out with the launch of a new system, handheld or otherwise. Yeah, not that often. And we can't forget about the Metroid demo and PictoChat both bundled with the system.

And I feel the wait for Nintendo's new batch of first-party titles will be well worth it. Animal Crossing DS? Wario Ware DS? A new Super Mario Bros. game? Advance Wars DS? Come on... who isn't dreaming of playing those titles already? face-icon-small-smile.gif

Ian SaneOctober 07, 2004

"I'm with Steven on this one, so much that I'm not so sure I can trust Jonny anymore for Nintendo-related opinions."

Actually this confirms my trust in Jonny's opinion and make me think less of Steven. This is a crap launch. That's practically a fact. Anyone who supports this is a blind fanboy. It's bad enough that there's only one first party game. It's a port and of a game that every Nintendo fan alive has played before. It's one thing to launch with a port of an obscure game but one that's not even ten years old and still sells in stores NEW for it's original console? This is a lazy launch. This is one situation where the negative point of view isn't overreacting or being pessimistic.

Spak-SpangOctober 07, 2004

Ok. We have good news and bad news.

I will start with the Good News.

The Nintendo DS is actually launching with a decent variety of games (from all publishers) that will appeal to a large variety of gamers, and a good many that will appeal to older gamers. There is also no kiddie title at launch that will turn gamers away from the DS like Gamecube had with Luigi's Mansion, also great news.

Bad News:

We are only going to get 1 Nintendo Launch game...but wait this is a remake of the GREATEST GAME CREATED OF ALL TIME...but it is still just an enhanced port. (How is that for Bi-polar.)

What is worse is that Nintendo will likely only release one more DS title this year after launch...or this is speculation from my part.

Now that I commented on that. There is a bright light that needs to be mentioned. Look at the Japanese Launch lineup, and the planned games from Nintendo.

Nintendo will be releasing some of their BIGGEST games next year for DS and we won't have to wait very long to get them. Remember the long waits for the games we wanted to play for the GBA, Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo...yeah. Those are gone this coming system.

We will be playing next year:
Super Mario Kart
Advanced Wars
Metroid Hunters
Wario Ware

And Nintendo is doing this and continuing to make new franchises.

This is a very exciting annoucement. Dispite some bad news.

cubedcinder128October 07, 2004

Whatever, Ian Sane. It's people like you that have driven me away from places like this.

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorOctober 07, 2004

Listen everyone..... I would be fairly ticked at this news too if I let myself be. With the entire Warp Pipe fiasco, we all should really take a chill pill until that gets straitened out.

DjunknownOctober 07, 2004

*Looks at PGC's forum logo*


Looks like I'll wait for eventual price drop to $99 dollars. Maybe it'll be around there by the time the PSP rolls out? As mentioned earlier, don't forget Warp Pipe's egat0n announcent....

Crap launch or not, it should give something else for Nintendo to spin about: We sell out initial stock of DS's! We make big big profit!

And in the fine print: Metroid Prime 2 gets undersold...

Uncle Rich AiAiOctober 07, 2004


Originally posted by: Ian Sane
It's a port and of a game that every Nintendo fan alive has played before.

Wrong. You go straight to jail. You do not pass go. You do not collect $200.

I haven't played it. face-icon-small-tongue.gif

BlkPaladinOctober 07, 2004

Well it surely isn't the greatest launch, but its pretty good considering that no one outside of Nintendo, and its innercircle knew the system exhisted a year ago. With what it is coming out with its still a decent buy. And the game price is reassuring since there was banter that it would be about the price of console games.

thepogaOctober 07, 2004

I agree with Ian Sane. Nintendo should have launched with at least one NEW game. I like the fact that other companies are showing good support from the launch, but there isn't a game which is a must buy. Unless they changed around Mario 64 a bit more, then I don't think it's really worth buying.

Ian Sane: "It's one thing to launch with a port of an obscure game but one that's not even ten years old and still sells in stores NEW for it's original console? This is a lazy launch. This is one situation where the negative point of view isn't overreacting or being pessimistic."

It IS a lazy launch by Nintendo. If they're going to toot originality, why'd they start by making a port their ONLY launch title? The multiplayer will hopefully be something new and different. Otherwise, it would be better to skip out on it and wait till games like Wario Ware.

I agree with Jonny. If you're Nintendo, and if you're going to have only once launch title, it better be good. It better have WOW factor. As jonny said, it was the least interesting game at E3 for DS. If Mario 64 isn't changed that much, it won't be as appealing to the consumer obviously. It's going to be a great game regardless however, but Nintendo should have launched with another title. The pack in demo and pictochat make up for it by a lot, and if i were to get a game at launch, it would probably be Mario 64 if it turns out well. If not, then MR DRILLER! I do like the other launch titles from other companies a bit.

Ian SaneOctober 07, 2004

"I haven't played it."

Then you should be the one going straight to jail. face-icon-small-smile.gif

ruby_onixOctober 07, 2004


Nintendo should have launched with at least one NEW game. I like the fact that other companies are showing good support from the launch, but there isn't a game which is a must buy.

Yes there is. It just doesn't count because they're giving it to us for free. They suck.

Hmm.. let's see, The Nintendo DS launches 6 months to a year BEFORE it's competition, it has adequate third party support including SQUARESOFT, it launches at the lower end of the anticipated price range, with a possibility of a price DROP when the PSP comes out, it's games are AS CHEAP as GBA games, it's got a host of unique technical abilities, and by the time the PSP comes out we'll be into SECOND or THIRD-generation DS software! PLUS, one of the criticism's levelled at Nintendo is that their first-party offerings out-compete third parties, and now we see the DS launching that isn't completely overshadowed by a Nintendo title...

Gee, it looks like Nintendo's finally taken a page from Sony's play book with the first-out-of-the-gate's launch and less emphasis on first-party software, while successfully combining that with a low-price point for hardware AND software, technical innovation, plus 20 in-house games that Nintendo will be trickling out to us over the next couple months...

I think the only thing we have to complain about now people, is that this launch is the exact opposite of any Nintendo launch strategy before! And we all know how we criticized Nintendo's launch strategies before...

Carmine M. Red

Spak-SpangOctober 08, 2004

You know. I am tired of the negativism. Ok. Nintendo doesn't have a huge list of games launching...but this is GOOD for 3rd parties. Very good. Nintendo is letting them shine.

Second, this new Mario 64 is going to be much more different then you realize. You don't even start the game as Mario, but YOSHI!!! A Yoshi that can eat enemies and throw eggs, does his float jump and more. How will the levels be changed to help this gameplay? Will there be more enemies per level? Probably. Will there be new star locations and puzzles that require new techniques probably. So is it really a port. No.

What it is, is a new game within fimilar enviroments, with many tweaks.

So lets be more positive about this Mario game and remember even without these tweaks and not so minor changes we are still getting a portable version of the greatest platforming and Mario game ever created.

I also don't believe this is the only Nintendo published game releasing this year. If in Japan Nintendo is publishing 5 games for Japan's launch later that year...sure Nintendo can release another game for us sometime in December. Or at least that is what I am hoping...perhaps I am being too hopeful.

Last, those 10-12 launch titles are not finalized. Many of the smaller publishers weren't mentioned. And I would not be surprised if the number is greater than before.

What I am worried about is Nintendo already realizing the touchscreen needs gimmick devices like a thumb stylise to get the best control in its games. If that was going to be needed Nintendo should have decided the original stylise with this in mind. Still its not a big deal and we should be excited about this new console.

PlugabugzOctober 08, 2004

Lets hope the European launch is an improvement over the American one, the extra 5 or 6 months should allow them to finish those launch games.

Lets hope even more so that Australia gets a DS Launch.

3rdrocketOctober 08, 2004

They actually added alot to Mario 64!!

here is a link to gamespot that has a 16 minute long demonstration of the game


Its the one labeled Gameplay Demonstration. Just stream it

SmadteOctober 08, 2004

It seems to me that this is a poorly fabricated idea with poorly fabricated ideas for games that try to utilize 2 screens. The touch screen is a joke, especially if it is expected to be used throughout the entire game. Talk about some major cramps. It all seems extremely gimmicky to me, and just another excuse to port more games and to make more money. Over ten years ago with the release of the SNES, it would have been unheard of to release a system with nothing but a minimally modified port of a very old mascot game. I think that Nintendo's quality is slowly but surely diminishing, but I hope their next console doesn't include some kind of hokey idea such as this one so that they can get back on the right track.

Bill AurionOctober 08, 2004

"and just another excuse to port more games and to make more money"

You automatically lose ALL credibility for shouting "PORT!" Do not pass GO and do not collect 200 dollars...

Infernal MonkeyOctober 08, 2004


Players can expect Nintendo-published games to retail for as low as $29.99.

..... Does this mean third party games will sell for more than that?

MarioOctober 08, 2004

EBs website lists Feel the Magic as $40.

Infernal MonkeyOctober 08, 2004

Feel the Magic of overpriced games a go go. =o

NinGurl69 *hugglesOctober 09, 2004


"Don't make angry. You won't like me when I'm angry."

Bill AurionOctober 09, 2004

Every DS game on EB's site is either 40 or 50 dollars, so stop overreacting... face-icon-small-tongue.gif

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